Politics. It’s a topic that can often feel like the elephant in the room looming over almost every gathering. A study has shown that nearly 1 in 5 families have become alienated from family members over political differences, and according to a 2018 Pew Research Center study, about 40% of Americans reported that they try to avoid the discussion.
But why does politics stir such strong emotions? What breaks close bonds and lasting relationships? Polarizing influences of figures like the 78-year-old billionaire behind X and controversial politicians may hold some answers. It’s easy to get caught up in clickbait and personality politics, but one mustn’t forget that political decisions have a long lasting impact.
Economic inequality, healthcare, education, environmental challenges, criminal justice, and even unstable international relations that could potentially lead to another devastating war are the direct results of political actions. We tend to view politics as a game show or an old fashioned concept, but practicing proper political engagement can have many benefits in a society, especially in a democracy. An opinion and a voice heard from everyone across the country can ensure that no group or individual can dominate the political landscape unchecked. While you may not support a specific political party/group, expressing your opinion and actively engaging in politics remain important because the decisions that political leaders make will affect your life.
Some people might become so personally invested in political leaders and ideologies that they take offense to any major disagreement, leading to radical views. Blind allegiance to political leaders can lead to radical and extreme ideologies, resulting in actions that not only harm certain communities or individuals but also discourage broader political engagement. This behavior can ruin the image of those who are genuinely involved in political decision-making.
Overall, while politics can often feel like an uncomfortable topic to address, it is undeniable that it profoundly impacts our lives. Active engagement in political discussions, even when disagreements arise, is essential for a democracy. It is crucial to approach these conversations with reason, setting aside blind loyalty and extreme views. By doing so, we can ensure that the decisions made can be truly reflective of the needs and values of almost all individuals, not just a select few.